Three Counties Magic
Card Magic for beginners of all ages
Beginners Card Magic Workshop
I teach card magic for complete beginners of any age from 18 to 118.
From those who have never performed a card trick in their life to those who know one or two basic card tricks and would like to expand their repertoire.
The card tricks I teach you are easy to learn, need minimal dexterity to perform yet are extremely impressive magic tricks that will amaze and bemuse others.
My beginners card magic workshops are approximately 3 hours and are very informal. After the workshop you will receive access to the members area of our website where you can access online videos of all the tricks shown to allow you to refresh your memory and continue practicing anytime you want. You will also have access to our private online forum where you can learn lots more about card magic and discuss the tricks you learnt with other forum members.
You will leave knowing all you need to start performing some incredible close-up card magic tricks. You will also learn about the use of specialised cards and packet tricks and will get a chance to see some in action .
You will receive:
Your own pack of high-quality playing cards (Bicycle Cards) favoured by many professional magicians around the world.
Three of the packet tricks learnt during the workshop, fully set up and ready to perform.
Access to videos of all the tricks taught to allow you to refresh your memory and continue practicing anytime you want.
Membership of Three Counties Magic Circle with access to our membership area, and links to lots of useful resources.
Access to our private magic forum.
Price: £55 per person - Booking is essential to reserve your space
Unfortunately I have no more availability for my group card magic workshops this year.
I am currently in the process of planning my 2025 workshop dates
If you would like to be notified when the dates are release please
e-mail me at: threecountiesmagiccircle@gmail.com
I do still have some limited availability for my one to one card magic classes
What People Say About My Workshops
“An excellent and enjoyable course well presented by Chris. He managed to confound and teach us in equal measures" - Jon
“"Thank you for one of the best and most entertaining Monday afternoons I've had here in Dorset. The session was informative and well presented" - Nick
One to One Card Magic Classes
I can bring my beginner's card magic workshop to the comfort of your own home or a location of your choice. All that's needed is a table, I'll bring the cards and the tricks. You'll learn all of the tricks taught in my regular workshops and will also receive:
Your own pack of high-quality playing cards (Bicycle Cards) favoured by many magicians around the world.
Three of the packet tricks learnt during the class, fully set up and ready to perform.
Access to videos of all the tricks taught to allow you to refresh your memory and continue practicing anytime you want.
Membership of Three Counties Magic Circle with access to our membership area and links to lots of useful resources.
Access to our private magic forum.
Price: £180 + travel costs
About Me
I'm Chris Walton, I received my first magic kit (yes the original Paul Daniels one) at the age of 7 in 1978. I was instantly hooked and within two weeks had learnt all the tricks in the box and was ready to perform for the entire family on Christmas Day whether they liked it or not!
Since then my fascination with all things magical has not diminished. For many years it continued alongside the scientific study of the paranormal - knowing the mechanics of conjuring tricks can and has solved many cases over the years (Just ask Harry Houdini) It also lead to my fascination with bizarre magic .
My interest in magic lies in studying, learning and perfecting tricks of all kinds. I have learnt an enormous quantity of card and other tricks over the years and have now decided to teach this knowledge to those who are beginning their own study of magic.
I live in deepest darkest North Dorset near the borders of Wiltshire and Somerset.
Contact Me
e-mail: threecountiesmagiccircle@gmail.com
Phone: 07758032062