Three Counties Magic
These are some of the suppliers that I have used over the years - each of these suppliers has given me outstanding customer service and I would highly recommend using them. If you have a favourite supplier that I haven't listed here please do let me know and I'll add them.
General Magic Suppliers including specialised card decks and packet tricks
The Merchant of Magic - A UK based supplier of everything you could possibly wish to purchase as a beginner, intermediate or even a touring professional magician - outstanding customer service - free resources for beginners and a discount when you first sign up.
Kaymar Magic - UK based creator and supplier
Alakazam Magic - UK based creator and supplier
Saturn Magic - UK based creator and supplier
Martini's Magic Marty has been creating and selling magic tricks in the USA for over 50 years. I purchase my rising decks from Marty not only are they are ridiculously cheap, they come with a lifetime guarantee. The customer service from Marty and his daughter are second to none in the magic industry.
Card Shark- Dutch creator and supplier of my favourite Phoenix card decks
Bizarre Magic
Lebanon Circle - Over the past decade Dan Baines of Lebanon Circle has grown into one of the most respected producers of bespoke props and illusions in the industry. Renown for unparalleled ingenuity and quality as well as unsurpassed customer service, Lebanon Circle continues to grow and set new standards in the world of magic.
Gemini Artifacts - Gemini Artifacts was founded in the USA in 2012 by Vic Nadata with one goal in mind, to create stunning high quality effects for the distinguished professional or amateur performer.
BlackHeart Black Hart is an experienced bizarre magical performer and proprietor of Black Hart Productions and Black Artefacts, specialising in ‘spooky’ entertainment and fortune telling.
Links to specific effects or items
These are links to specific effects or items that I have used over the years and absolutely love:
Rising Deck - Marty Martini LINK
The Gift - by Angelo Carbone LINK
The Code - by Andy Nyman LINK